HaHa’s Greatest Hits

Sung in the Key of “Lern”

Dear Matt, Julie Rae, Liz, Peri, Wesley, Quinn and Dave,

This year, my Christmas present to you is not in a package you can unwrap. It is something I have been working on for the past few months.

Over the years, I have sung to each of you; Matty, Julie Rae, Peri, Wesley and Quinn from infancy, as you fell asleep. I have so many memories of those tender times; watching you each nod off as I sang, your little faces so angelic and peaceful. Even as you grew older, it was always a special time for us. These were some of the most fulfilling moments of my life and part of what created such a close bond between us.

A few years ago, Wes asked me to record some of “Haha’s Greatest Hits”, so he could listen to them when I wasn’t there. This year, our friends Aaron and Dan encouraged me to do so and Aaron patiently worked with me to lay down these tracks. Some of them are sung acapella, some with musical accompaniment. Most of the songs are ones you always requested and a few are just ones I have always loved.

I am sending this Christmas gift to all of you in this format so you can download your favorites.

These recordings are sent with love, to the people I love most in the world. You are each unique and wonderful and the greatest blessings in my life.

Merry Christmas 2021!